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Linking Workforce Development, Education & Economic Development In Armstrong, Butler & Indiana Counties

TCWIB Services

The Tri-County Workforce Investment Board staff are working in the office. Please call or email us for an appointment or with your needs at 724-282-9341 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For the safety of the public, staff, and to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Pennsylvania, Career T.R.A.C.K., Inc.  and the PA CareerLink are not currently accepting unscheduled walk-ins.  However, the public can receive the full menu of services by contacting their local office and scheduling an appointment. Services are being provided virtually and in-person by appointment as needed.  If you are seeking employment, skill training, veterans or trade assistance, job search help, or other employment activities, please leave a message.  If you are an employer with job posting or hiring assistance needs, please do the same.


If you have already filed an unemployment compensation claim, or reopened a UC claim, we do not have the resources to assist you with questions you may have. Please hang up and call 1-888-313-7284. If that number is busy you can send an email to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .You can also visit the unemployment compensation website at www.uc.pa.gov . If you are an employer with UC questions please call 866-403-6163.  If you have not filed an initial unemployment compensation claim and are having difficulty in doing so due to lack of internet service and telephone availability, we may have resources to share with you to help you get started.


If we can help with your questions as described in this message, and you are calling during normal weekday business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM), please call one of the following numbers.


Butler County: 724-664-8468

Armstrong County: 724-822-1563

Indiana County: 724-822-3675

TCWIB: 724-282-9341


If you are calling after normal business hours please leave your name, phone number, email address, and your brief message. We will communicate with you on the next business day.