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Linking Workforce Development, Education & Economic Development In Armstrong, Butler & Indiana Counties

Workforce Education & Training Information

The PA Department of Labor & Industry, Bureau of Workforce Development Partnership and PA CareerLink provide a wide range of services to help individuals become more independent, prepare for and maintain employment. Services offered are for youth, adult, and dislocated workers. As part of this process Workforce Development Areas (WDAs) “certify training programs and courses” to help prepare job seekers in “high demand occupations”.




Federal tuition/vouchers/grants currently available include:


Individual Training Accounts (ITA's) for customers eligible through Workforce Investment Act Funds.

  • Tri-County WIB sponsors Individual Training Accounts (ITA's) for a maximum of $7,500. Funding varies based on program and eligibility.

Trade Accounts for Trade Adjustment Assistance Act (TAA) funding for customers who lose their jobs or have a reduction of hours due to increased imports (companies must file/receive approval).

The application process is completed on-line through the PA CareerLink online system at https://www.pacareerlink.pa.gov/jponline/

Training Providers eligible to apply include Community Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, Private Licensed Proprietary Schools, Community Based Organizations, Business Schools, etc.